Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gumballs for Lunch?

Why yes, gumballs can be part of a nutritious lunch...
...when they're made with a Lunch Punch :)

Today's sandwiches were made with another of my new Sweet set Lunch Punches! Bella has a peanut butter sandwich Gumball Machine embellished with fruit leather,  and in keeping with the gumball theme, the roundest cherry tomatoes I could pick out, and watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew balls. Oh, and since Bella said yesterday's cupcake's cherry fell off, today I "glued" the fruit leather decorations on with honey - so this sandwich is extra sweet!

Pickle's Gumball Machine PB I left plain, he's not keen on anything other than peanut butter and bread on his sandwich. The Lunch Punch makes such a cute gumball impression anyways, it really doesn't need any embellishment :)

Birdie's such a grazer lately, a full size sandwich would be wasted on her - so I packed her a more snacky lunch of crackers, cheese, and melon balls.

I don't know what to make of these little character picks holding the cheese - they came in a set of animals, happy trees, and them. Why do they have x's for belly buttons? Whatever they are, they ARE cute ...

Don't forget to come back tomorrow to enter my Sweet Giveaway!

This post is linked to What's For Lunch Wednesday

Stuff used to make these lunches:


  1. LOVE the gumball sandwich with matching gumball fruit and veggies. ;)
    All three lunches are adorable.

  2. Anonymous11/30/2011

    Oh those are SUCH cute lunches! My goodness, you are so creative. I love the fruit leather accents. And what a fabulous idea to honey-glue them on. Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations. love, lunchpunch

  3. The gumball sandwich is so cute! I love those punches!

  4. hey lady...awesome give away! They really are cute punches...I really love the gumball lunch you made with the ball shaped fruit....i have to get back into my bentos...been slacking lately on the creativity part.


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