Today is the last day of April, which has beenAutism Awareness Month, so I made my Pickle a puzzle sandwich with our beloved Lunch Punch Match & Munch cutters. When I serve him a puzzle sandwich at home I tell him I love him to pieces; I hope thinks of that when he gets one at school ♥
Sometimes I do mess them up though... like today... I left some of the puzzle tabs in the cutter! Too much peanut butter, bread too soft, in too much of a hurry? Who knows... and Pickle won't care! After all, perfect pieces don't taste any better than messy ones :)
Pickle also has yogurt with multicoloured star sprinkles, and an oatmeal cookie cut in quarters to fit the yubo cup. He'll like that, he'll count it as a puzzle, like he did when he did the same thing :)
Bella's lunch has a few cute details inspired by the faceplate of her yubo lunchbox - blossom & star bento picks through the cheese & tomatoes, and silicone cups that match the fairies' colours separating them from the carrots & cucumbers. A fairy sticker decorates the bottom of her jell-o cup :) This was a hastily made lunch with nothing particularly creative about it yet all 3 girls oohed when they saw it ♥
To make up for amping up the cute factor on Beanstalk's Earth Day lunch, I kept the next one plain & simple. He asked for apples & a Clif bar in his Laptop Lunch and I added Veggie Sticks & grapes. "Don't make it cute!" he reminded me grumpily, and just for that I added a Lunchbox Love note :)
Pickle's peanut butter sandwich was going to be a tic tac toe, before I realized that would mean nothing to him since he's not familiar with the game! He likes squares though, so I'm sure he was happy enough with it as is.
Yes, that's right, I packed a completely disposable lunch. Bella's class was going on a field trip and they were asked to bring disposable lunches. Disposable doesn't have to mean it must be thrown in the trash though - I had saved some recyclable containers for things like this, so most of this could be thrown in a recycling bin if there was one available.
I wanted to pack her some fresh fruit, veggies & a sandwich, but the requested plastic zipper bag wouldn't offer much protection from bruising and squashing.
A plastic clamshell strawberry basket would! I decorated the basket & bottle with duct tape, both for fun & to cover the original labels :)
Bella's berry basket bento lunch contains:
A turkey & cheddar flatbread sandwich
Grape tomatoes on toothpicks to keep them from rolling around
A Gala apple
Stretch Island raspberry fruit snacks
Raspberry lemonade
Clif Kid Z bar (snack for the bus ride home)
I was able to fit everything in the berry clamshell, which I then packed in the requested plastic zipper bag that Mia Bella had labelled with her name. Squash-Proof!
Bella said she didn't want to throw it away even though she could - and there wasn't a recycling bin - so she brought the berry basket and bottle back home with her to use another time ♥
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Some of my bento blogging friends have shared some great ideas to make the most of those disposable field trip lunch days!
All pictures belong to their blog owners. Click on them or their attached links to see the full posts on the original sites. (If you would prefer not to be featured, please let me know and I will remove your image.)
It's Impossible Astronaut Day! How many times have you already seen this lunch? I'm hoping that you've forgotten so I can get away with posting it again (I'm sick and don't feel like making food). But if it does look familiar...
... then you saw my guest post on Bento for Kidlet... or did you look away?
If you're a Doctor Who fan, you'll know what's up with the tally marks, but if not... well, sorry, one does not simply explain Doctor Who :) Just try to look past them at Bella's yummy lunch of:
Happy Earth Day!Last year I put a little planet earth in each lunchbox, but this year I chose a different theme, ocean life, because of course, one of the most important parts of taking care of our earth is taking care of our oceans!
The sproutlets have always enjoyed nature programs about the ocean and marine life, and some new favourite family films are the whale tales Big Miracle & Free Willy. They also love Winter the dolphin, so whales & dolphins were an easy choice for their Earth day lunches.
I love how these heart roll-ups turned out♥ I made them by folding a tortilla in half to make a crease before covering it with cheese, rolling in each side towards the crease, slicing 2" pieces & securing with a skewer.
I made a batch of Earth Day muffins! They're apple streusel, coloured green, with blue sugar sprinkles added to the streusel topping. They smelled so good we couldn't wait for Earth Day, and had some for dessert last night :)
Pickle wanted to take one with his lunch as well:
Pickle's yubo lunchbox contains:
dolphin peanut butter sandwiches
an Earth Day apple streusel muffin
vanilla yogurt coloured blue & green, topped with dolphin sprinkles
It's Muffin Tin Monday!
The little girls' tins contain:
earth day apple streusel muffins
green & purple grapes
broccoli trees
dolphin cheese atop starfish crackers
whale peanut butter sandwiches
vanilla yogurt coloured blue with dolphin sprinkles
All pictures belong to their blog owners. Click on them or their attached links to see the full posts on the original sites. (If you would prefer not to be featured, please let me know and I will remove your image.)
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