Monday, August 8, 2011

Under The Sea Lunch Adventure

♪ ♫ We got no troubles, Life is the bubbles, Under the sea ♫ ♪

Under the Sea themed muffin tin meal

It's Muffin Tin Monday! I have muffin tins this week, I bought some nice new silicone ones. Justified them to the hubby with a list of other uses for them - he really liked the idea of melting all the broken crayon bits into new shaped crayons, he can't stand all the little crayon bits we find on the floor after Baby Bird has been colouring - she likes to break them for fun :)

Today's "under the sea" themed lunch was a bit of an adventure for me, as I've never coloured pasta before so I wasn't sure how it would turn out - would the blue food colouring + the yellowish pasta = bluish or greenish noodles? Either way would work - blue would be the ocean, green would be seaweed. It came out a pretty aquamarine :) Along with the ramen noodle waves, lunch contained turkey "octodogs", canteloupe starfish, a clownfish gummy on a bed of sliced grape sea urchins, and "baby" goldfish crackers, topped with a cheddar cheese "mama" fish. My little Bird loves anything "mama & baby".

The first thing they both ate was the gummy clownfish of course, then Sprout bit the head off the octodog while Birdie dove into the waves. Beanstalk & Bella opted for a regular ramen noodle soup & crackers lunch, and Pickle had his usual - which I will make a separate post about after I get dinner started :)


Want fun muffin tins to make a muffin tin meal for your tot?


  1. What a great tin, so creative. I love the Ramen noodle waves. I love making octodogs for the girls too.

  2. I've never thought of colouring pasta idea!

  3. Thanks! The colour in the first pic is the most accurate.
    I saw the coloured pasta on What's For Lunch At Our House

  4. Anonymous8/09/2011

    I love the blue noodles! What a creative lunch!

  5. Anonymous8/18/2014

    how may drops of food color did you use?

    1. I'm sorry, I don't remember - this was about 3 years ago, but likely only a couple, I try to use as little food dye as possible.


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