Bella's LunchBots Quad contains:
- Whole grain peach Newtons, & chocolate pretzel mushrooms.
I think upside-down they resemble dreidels, don't you? - Baby carrots & a cocktail tomato on a dreidel cupcake pick.
- Star of David cantaloupe chunks
- Cucumber chunks topped with a Star of David cucumber slice. For the 3D effect, I sliced it thick, cut the star out of the center & set it aside, sliced the cucumber piece in half, then put the star back in.
She also has a LunchBots insulated container of soup, & cutlery, not shown.
I actually bought a box of matzos and was going to include some - crackers & soup, yum, right? But then this morning when Bella asked what she could take for the food drive, I impulsively changed my mind and gave it to her to donate. It was a really big box, and I don't even know if she likes matzo :)
I actually bought a box of matzos and was going to include some - crackers & soup, yum, right? But then this morning when Bella asked what she could take for the food drive, I impulsively changed my mind and gave it to her to donate. It was a really big box, and I don't even know if she likes matzo :)
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Great lunch! So clever!