Thursday, October 4, 2012

Never Smile At A Crocodile

Today is World Animal Day,  and we're having a Blog Hop! Each blogger in the hop has chosen a different animal to include in a bento. I chose the crocodile, because I've had a certain song randomly popping in my head for weeks now, and I just happen to have a crocodile shaped play-doh cutter too :)

You know the song right? You might remember it from Disney's Peter Pan... but that's not the version in my head, I've been hearing the Paulette Sisters' version ♬♩Anyways...

I made a little preschool bento for Birdie. She has baby carrots with a smiling crocodile cupcake ring around one, 2 cheese stars (a nod to Peter Pan... second star to the right, and straight on till morning) atop grapes speared with a sword (Captain Hook's?) and a musical note, and 2 crocodile peanut butter sandwiches on honey wheat. And I found the perfect Lunchbox Love note!

I like the other side of the note too :)

Making this bento didn't get the song out of my head, but that's okay, I actually kind of like it. Want to sing along? Oh, come on! It's such a cute song...

Just click the Play button and follow the lyrics below :)

Never Smile At A Crocodile
by The Paulette Sisters
(the version from You've Got Mail)

♬ Never smile at a crocodile
No, you can't get friendly with a crocodile
Don't be taken in by his welcome grin
He's imagining how well you'd fit within his skin
Never smile at a crocodile
Never tip your hat and stop to talk awhile
Never run, walk away, say good-night, not good-day
Clear the aisle and never smile at Mister Crocodile
You may very well be well bred
Lots of etiquette in your head
But there's always some special case, time or place
To forget etiquette
For instance:
Never smile at a crocodile
No, you can't get friendly with a crocodile
Don't be taken in by his welcome grin
He's imagining how well you'd fit within his skin
Never smile at a crocodile
Never tip your hat and stop to talk awhile
Never run, walk away, say good-night, not good-day
Clear the aisle and never smile at Mister Crocodile ♫
There, wasn't that fun? Now,  it's time to hop along and visit the next animal bento, by Michelle of Creative Food...

Hey, after you've gone through the whole hop and find yourself back here,  why not vote for me as one the Circle of Friends Top 25 Canadian Mommies?


  1. I will now have that song in my head for days, love it!

  2. LOL - Yep, now the song is stuck in my head! Great lunch!

  3. LOVE it! :) Love your crocodiles! :)

  4. I love that you used play doh cutters, they are perfect!

  5. Cute lunch and I love the crocodile fact!

  6. Clever to use the play doh cutter, n love, love ur crocodiles!

  7. Very cute crocodiles and I love the adorable pick too!:)

  8. Wowza, I haven't heard that song forever. LOL
    Adorable lunch and details, as always, Cristi! :)

  9. Lovely lunch. My little one started dancing when I played the song :)

  10. Thanks for that, guess what I'll be singing in my head for the next week! Another awesome lunch as always, love the nod to Peter Pan!

  11. Love the song, and love the lunch!! I am off to Disneyland today, I may have to wander over and ride Peter Pan now!!!!

  12. So fun!!! Thanks for the smile!

  13. very cute! great song!!

  14. Fantastic lunch and love the details, but now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head too...

  15. So sweet lunch, I didn't remember this song but I like it as you say it's quite catchy!! Great fun again in the Blog Hop!

  16. Thought you were going to sing Crocodile Rock! LOL! Such a cute lunch and the note is perfect!!!

  17. Love the peter pan tie-in

  18. Love the lunch and love the song, hehe..

  19. Love your lunch and the song. I'll be singing it all day now ;)

  20. Never smile at a crocodile, but your lunch placed a huge smile on my face. So now I'm literally smiling & looking at the crocs. Love it Cristi! Lunch looks amazing :)

  21. My kids love croc's!! This would be a well received lunch in our house! Great job!

  22. Oh, this is super!! I adore that song! Holds a special place in my heart as it was my oldest daughter's first dance recital song! So cute! What a great lunch!

  23. Thanks for the song! Awesome lunch!

  24. Anonymous10/04/2012

    I would snap up this luch!

  25. AAAAH! EAR WORM! (cute lunch, though!)

  26. My kids would love. Might have to "borrow"

  27. Anonymous10/04/2012

    I really wish I'd had the time to join in this hop!

    Great lunch btw, your lunches always look so well presented!!

    Ps, theres a house in the city I live in called 2nd star to the right and straight on til morning :)

  28. I knew I should not have hit the play button... now that song is stuck in my head and I want to watch The Rescuers again. That crocodile looks like one of the ones in the movie. (it is probably Tic Toc for Peter Pan) Your lunch looks cute and delicious!

  29. So cute!! Love all the crocs :D

  30. Great crocs and post! :)

  31. Love your crocodile and the song is in my head now! :)


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