Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Baby Love

A couple of my favourite "lunch ladies" have recently welcomed some sweet new wee mouths to feed ♥ Congratulations to Ludicrous Mama of Biting The Hand That Feeds You, on the Christmas-time arrival of her adorable daughter Little E, and to Super Glue Mom Laura of MOMables, on the birth of her sweet son, born yesterday!

Last night I thought it would be fun to say Congratulations to Laura and Welcome to the World to her little man on the MOMables Facebook Wall with a cute little snack made in their honour... but it turned out to be another one of those things that looked better in my head :) See for yourself:

Sailor Boy said it looked a little creepy... so of course I had to eat it in front of him - I think he flinched when I bit into it, heheh. It's just half a mozzarella string cheese stick wrapped in a piece of ham for a blanket, with cupcake sprinkles for eyes and a mouth, yummy, but I had to admit he was right, it didn't seem right for posting on anyone else's wall :)

I've made baby bundle snacks before... I made "Babies in Blankets" - turkey Lit'l Smokies in crescent roll swaddling blankets - for our Labour Day Lunch, that looked cute and not at all creepy... I don't think. Maybe I should have skipped the sprinkle face.

Anyways... Welcome to the world new little babies! You picked some good families to be born into -  and you've got some great meals to look forward to!

Biting the Hand   MOMables


  1. Anonymous1/18/2012

    I think it came out really cute!

  2. My daughter love, love, LOVES your blog (as do I) and begged her dad to make these for her lunch tomorrow. I was so proud of him for running out late at night and working so hard, that I had to blog about it. Thanks for the idea!


    1. Aw, her cheese babies are so cute! And what a great daddy she has :)

  3. Thanks! She does have a great dad and memories like this are so fun! Oh, and her lunch friends were very jealous!.

  4. I think this is totally adorable! Great idea!

    1. Maybe the hubby was wrong then... I think he just doesn't like food with faces :)

  5. Squee! Love you too! I will totally steal this idea... As soon as I get enough sleep that I have two functioning brain cells to rub together!

  6. Oh, and my kiddo PREFERS food with faces! She even has them beg for mercy as she eats them...


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