Saturday, May 4, 2013

May the 4th be With You

Last year Star Wars Day fell on a school day, so I made all the school age sproutlets themed lunches, but this year it's a Saturday, I don't need to pack school lunches. Instead, I packed one for Sailor Boy to take to work Monday:

May the 4th Be With You Lunch - Sarlacc Pit Bean Dip
I'm really pleased with how the refried bean dip Sarlacc pit turned out! The tentacles are shredded Monterey Jack cheese. So the bean dip could be taken out of the metal PlanetBox and microwaved, I packed it in a jumbo silicone muffin cup - they are the perfect height for the PlanetBox, the lid is flush with the rim of the cup when closed. Sailor Boy's going to love this lunch :)

May the 4th Be With You Lunch - Sarlacc Pit Bean Dip

The rest of his PlanetBox Launch contains:
  • A heart-shaped egg with a Stormtrooper cupcake topper
  • Salsa to go with the chips & bean dip
  • Blue corn & black bean garlic tortilla chips
  • Blueberries, some skewered on a lightsaber food pick
  • Princess Leia buns mini cinnamon buns, heheh

May the 4th Be With You Lunch - Sarlacc Pit Bean Dip

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Jenn of Bento for Kidlet has made!

May the 4th Be With You Blog Hop

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Stuff used to make this lunch:


  1. That pit is PERFECT!!! It all looks perfect!

  2. Oh My Gosh! This is so incredibly awesome

  3. Sweet! It's perfect!

  4. Creative use of food! Fun and delicious!

  5. Incredibly awesome! Love it and it looks exactly like it!

  6. Anonymous5/04/2013

    The pit is wonderful! This is a great lunch!

  7. The sarlac pit is a great idea

  8. Looks great! Love the Leia buns *smile*

  9. Seriously? That Sarlacc pit is awesome! Fabulous lunch!

  10. Love your buns. And your beans. ;)

  11. SARLAC PIT BEANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 Amazing :D

  12. Super cute! Love leia's buns!! Love it! Thanks for linking up!

  13. That Sarlacc it is nothing short of sheer genius! The Force is strong in you.

  14. This lunch looks amazing. Love the sarlacc beans. Leia's hair buns made me smile.

  15. Wow, incredible lunch as always, Cristi and that Sarlacc pit way cool beyond words!

  16. Your lunch is way too yummy. I bet Sailor Boy had a great time enjoying this lunch. The cinn buns perfectly represents Leia, and the Sarlac pit beans is brilliant. Way to go!!

  17. That Sarlacc bean dip with chips is a great idea!

  18. Anonymous5/04/2013

    Love the pit! Looks awesome!

  19. So awesome! ! ! The pit is so cool!!

  20. I am really appreciate that you set up this Bento Blog Hop, thru really give me lots of opportunity to learn! Thank you Cristi. ^-^

  21. Love this bean dip pit lunch. Awesome work!


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