Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thank You Sweetie!

It's almost American Thanksgiving! Another holiday, another Bento Bloggers & Friends Blog Hop...  right? Well, yes...  but maybe not what you're expecting... Instead of the traditional turkey, pilgrims, & pumpkin pie themes, one of our bloggers, Ludicrous Mama of Biting the Hand That Feeds You, came up with a twist: A "What are you thankful for?" theme!

I'm thankful for a lot of things, but most of all for my Sailor Boy, who not only puts up with my flaws & quirks, but somehow finds them cute, and who, after 17 years of marriage, I'd still rather spend time with than anyone else.

Thank you Sweetie! I love you ♥ Enjoy your lunch :)

Sailor Boy's EasyLunchboxes bento contains:
  • Strawberries & cantaloupe - with an anchor pick - because he's a sailor, and because he's MY anchor
  • Romaine salad with carrots & cucumber, & mandarin dressing in an EasyLunchboxes Mini Dipper (on the side)
  • Turkey kielbasa "hearts" left over from our pierogi skillet supper
  • Skewered cherub & sunburst tomatoes (Thanks Mamabelly for the Southwest Airlines heart swizzle stick "skewers"!)
  • Pistachios - because I'm still nuts about him after all these years
  • & a Babybel cheese decorated with wedding ring picks and carved with the words "I still do." ♥

That's the perfect Lunchbox Love note for this lunch, don't you think? It's from one of the Lunchbox Love for Loved Ones sets from Say Please. On the flip side is a bit of trivia. This note's fact was a funny coincidence to me, because I had joked with my blogger friends that what I was most thankful for most days was coffee, so maybe that would be the theme of my bento :) I was kidding (sort of), but coffee ended up being a part of the lunch anyways, heheh:

Now click the button to hop over to Licious Lunches and see what she's thankful for & how she's expressed it in a bento!


  1. Anonymous11/15/2012

    JDaniel would inhale the sausages. He has just decide that they are awesome!

  2. Awwwwwwww! What a wonderful lunch!

  3. The babybel with rings... LOVE IT! :)

  4. Awesome love the picks and notes.

  5. Coffee...LOVE it! More than that, though, I LOVE your precious tribute to your man. He is lucky to have you!

  6. Lovely bento and love all the cute picks too!:)

  7. Anonymous11/15/2012

    Love the colours in your lunch! And the note sums it up very well.

  8. Awww, so sweet! Love the "I still do" cheese and the whole lunch is just simply beautiful! sniff...

  9. Awwwww, so sweet n love, love the lunch. :)

  10. I love your use of the ring picks!

  11. You make the cutest lunches!! I love it!

  12. So sweet! And of course I love the coffee part!

  13. the "I still Do " cheese is such a clever touch - I may borrow that one sometime : )

  14. I love the still do rings. So cute!

  15. What a wonderful post! I love the I still DO rings too. It just tells me how much you genuinely love your Sailor Boy. You are so blessed in life!

  16. So sweet! I love this <3 <3

  17. What a sweet lunch and wonderful tribute to your husband.I love the ring picks and the message on the Babybel cheese.

  18. So sweet. You two have a beautiful relationship (and family)! :)

  19. How sweet!!!! I am so thankful that you started our little group...thank you for inspiring me everyday. xo

  20. Ridiculously sweet! I am very thankful for you and all the hard work you do for our group!!! Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. This is a beautiful, heartfelt lunch. I love all the little details you imparted!

  22. So much sweetness here! Feelin the love, gotta hug my hubby when he gets up! I pray for your lovely sailor boy stay safe at home with his sweet family! Truely a Thanksgiving!

  23. Awww.. Lovely post, I love the words.. I've never made a hubby-inspired bento. Need to make one A.S.A.P.! Thank you for the inspiration!

  24. Awwwwww, love the lunch and LOVE the post. :)

  25. Love your lunch post! Soo sweet.

  26. Anonymous11/20/2012

    Literally the sweetest lunch ever!!!


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