Friday, July 27, 2012

Our Beloved Olympic Rings, All 7 of Them

Hooray, you made it! If you landed here via the Olympic Blog Hop and What's In Our Lunch Bags? then the space time continuum must still be intact. I hope you enjoyed the Whovian fantasticality of her bento. If you didn't come from there, be sure to go through the whole hop until you end up there!

And here is my Olympic bento lunch, Psych-o style:

Can you spot the Psych-isms in the lunch above? Answers below*

So I bet you are wondering what I mean by all 7 Olympic rings... I know, there are only 5 Olympic rings. I know. I looked at an image of them on the official Olympics website when I made the ones in this lunch.

No, I was referring to this scene from the TV show Psych:

I actually don't follow the Summer Olympics at all - just the Winter ones, and even then, just the hockey. And an Olympic themed lunch would mean nothing to the sproutlets. But Sailor Boy has some interest in them, and we both love Psych, so I made my hop bento a Lunch for the Man:

Sailor Boy's main course is teriyaki chicken & pineapple (with Psych references) and rice garnished with Olympic ring veggies. On the side he has pineapple on ring picks (Aha! There are 7 rings in this Olympic lunch!) and a heart-shaped hard-boiled egg (with a Canadian maple leaf pick) - because I always put a heart somewhere in his lunch, though sometimes it's hidden - for that little touch of love ♥

The coloured rings are sweet Hungarian pepper (dyed blue), yellow Sunburst tomato, Kalamata olive, jalapeno pepper, and red pepper.

Oooh, those Olympic rings gave me some trouble. They look pretty simple right? Well, kudos to real bento artists, because making designs with tiny pieces of veggies takes patience. Plus I had to soak pepper rings in dye overnight for the blue. I made a mess of several slices of veggies before I decided those would do.

It all came together rather nicely, I think. Sailor Boy said it was delicious (it was his lunch yesterday).  When I make him a lunch, I leave it where he will see it in the fridge in the morning, since he leaves before I wake. He knows the Easy Lunchboxes with the blue lids are his to take. But he didn't take the grape juice box! He said he thought I must have bought them for the kids. I don't ordinarily buy juice boxes for the sproutlets, not being able to see inside them kind of freaks me out... but I bought these grape juice boxes specifically for his Psych-themed lunch, and then he missed the reference, tsk tsk.  Oh well, the kidlets can have them now  :)

Now, jump through the Olympic rings (all 5 of them) to visit the next stop in the hop, and be amazed by what Lunch With Eyeness has done!

1. Suck it. No you suck it. A frequent exchange between Shawn & Gus. 2. Pineapple. There's one in every episode. 3. Grape juice box. "Two questions: Where can I get one of those, and does it come in Grape-ilicious?" Shawn, Psych 207. 4. Canadian maple leaf. Represents Pierre Desperaux, the elusive Canadian art thief - and the fact that the show is filmed in British Columbia, Canada, where I'm from, which is awesome :)

Stuff I used for these lunches:


  1. Your lunch made me smile! Love the two extra rings in the pineapple.

  2. To say I love you would be the understatement of the year .... or of 2012 .... I've heard it both ways.

  3. Okay I really need to watch Psych now. I have no idea how I've managed to avoid it :P That lunch is amazing!

  4. The lunch itself sounds delish, Cristi, besides all the Olympic cuteness - rice & pineapple terryaki chicken, YUM!

    Great idea with the all the rings. :)

  5. Fantastic lunch! The rings are genius! Can't believe he didn't get the grape juice reference. We'll forgive him this time. :)

  6. Anonymous7/27/2012

    This meal looks totally delicious! The rings are amazing!

  7. The meal looks yummy n the rings idea is just fantastic! :)

  8. Love your Olympic rings!!! And honestly wow I would love to eat that for lunch :)

  9. Haha I totally feel your pain with the rings...why oh why did one have to be blue?!? I spent ages soaking cooked egg white in blue liquid too! Mine didn't work as well as yours though!

    1. I know! I've just seen your excellent bento, well done! Anyone else reading this who wants to see, it' s here: Tummy Tales No. 14, OLYMPICS!

  10. The blue is amazing on that pepper!

  11. Your rings turned out amazing! So worth the effort from afar! :)

  12. Love the rings!! Your bentos are lovely!

  13. Love your lunch and all 7 rings. Awesome bento :) Too bad he missed the grape juice though. He missed the completeness of his lunch.

  14. Cristi, you're a genius! and where did you get those SUCK IT picks?

    1. They are from a set of naughty sayings found in adult novelties for bachelorette parties etc the brand is Hott Products and they are called Naughty Party Picks. That was one of the least naught phrases... I have Peter Party Picks too, but you won't be seeing them on my blog, lol.

  15. Love how you did the rings! Nice work!

  16. But but but... no dirty koalas?

    1. Bite me.
      BTW I have a pick that says that :P

  17. Great Job! Love the ring. It's perfect!

  18. "I always put a heart somewhere in his lunch, though sometimes it's hidden - for that little touch of love ♥"

    Awww. I love that.

    The teriyaki chicken & pineapple looks so yummy, Lovely bento!

  19. I agree! Making rings out of veggies was much harder than I anticipated! I actually had more trouble with the darned fruit roll up! It was sticking to everything! LOL You did a great job!


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