Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs!

Yesterday I made some meatballs and was reminded of a meal idea in a Parents Magazine article:  Recipes from Your Child's Favorite Books.
Bella's school has a summer reading program, part of which includes the school's library being open Thursday afternoons, so today we borrowed a copy of Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs and I made this for supper :

Bella's school library's copy is 25 years old! It still has the paper check-out card pouch in it just like library books did when I was in school :)

My sproutlets have seen the animated movie of the same name countless times (we own it) but they'd never read the book - somehow, even though it was published when I was 5 and has remained popular over the years - I'd never read the book!  It's completely different from the movie - which was a good thing - we enjoyed the tale without comparing the two.  

The book is about a town called Chewandswallow that gets all it's food from the sky. The town never gets weather like we have; in Chewandswallow it rains soup and snows mashed potatoes! The townspeople are happy with their edible weather. They get plenty of variety - just as our weather varies, so does theirs - and 3 times a day too, for breakfast, lunch & dinner :) There's even an element of environmental awareness - the sanitation department cleans up the leftover food,  feeds it to the animals and sea creatures, and composts the rest. Then one day the weather starts getting really wacky....  

We loved the silly illustrations and humorous story. It was fantastic and imaginative and just as entertaining for me as it was for my 3 year old.

If I'd remembered the meal idea before I made the meatballs, I'd have made itty bitty ones that looked more like they were raining down from the mashed potato clouds. These were golf ball sized cheese-stuffed meatballs - Sprout said they looked more like meteors crashing :) Which was fine with me, I'm glad her supper inspired her imagination!

This post is linked to
Shibley Smiles

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why not click my affiliate link? :)


  1. Anonymous7/06/2012

    This looks wonderful! What delicious food you selected. Thank you for linking to Read.Explore.Learn.

  2. What a great idea! My boys love this book and all the food on the plate. I think I might have to try it!

  3. How fun! I haven't read the book yet either, but we have a copy somewhere. Love the food tie-in, and my boys would too!

  4. This dinner is so cute! I've never read the book - time to borrow it from the library and read it with my kids!

  5. This book was my absolute favorite as a kid (still is) and this looks extra fun! ^^ Makes me want to make a bento of my own, even.

  6. Oh my goodness! I have to do this for my kiddos! Especially my 8 year old meatball loving girl. :) Stopping over from J. Daniel's Mom linky. New to your blog- will follow.

    Creative and Curious Kids

  7. What a fun idea! I absolutely love how you made this book come to life. Jodi @

  8. This is such a classic book...great idea to incorporate it into a meal!


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