Monday, April 9, 2012

A Sweet Lunch for my Sweet Girl

I had a feeling it wouldn't be easy to jump back into the school routine after Spring Break so I didn't plan on anything cute for lunch, but Bella asked if she could have an Easter theme with some of her candy in it. She rarely asks for anything in particular and she's a good eater in general so I scrambled up a cute lunch to go with the candy she chose:

Easter Peeps bento school lunch

She chose an orange Peeps marshmallow chick and 2 chocolate eggs, so I packed her a cheddar "Peep" on ham bagelwich, egg-shaped grapes, tomatoes, and carrots (diagonally sliced in ovals). I recently bought some scrapbook paper and she chose a candy coloured one for her lunch's photo :)

Lunch Punch Puzzle sandwich

Pickle has a puzzle peanut butter sandwich made with one of our Match & Munch Lunch Punches   ♥  and some yogurt & juice (not shown).

Beanstalk packed himself a Clif  Z Bar, an apple, ham, & water. He also left earlier than us to walk with friends. He's getting so independent, doing his own thing... Middle school next year, eek!

Stuff I used for today's lunches:


  1. So sweet ^^
    I actually forgot to congratulate you on finishing the 100 sandwiches challenge, I admire you so much!


  2. Anonymous4/09/2012

    What a wonderful lunch! I love your ducky cheese. The autism sandwich is genius!

  3. Love the lunch! Our girls were thinking alike today ;)

  4. So simple, and so FREAKING cute! Love it!

  5. I LOVE the puzzle sandwich!

  6. Anonymous4/09/2012

    How sweet!

  7. Well it sure is a cute lunch!

  8. Exceptionally sweet. Love this!! :)

  9. I love your blog! I am an avid follower and I featured one of your bentos on my blog today:

    Thank you for keeping me inspired!!!


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