Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Edible Geekery : Fish Fingers & Custard Day + Enormous Doctor Who Edibles Linky Party!

Yes, it's National Fish Fingers & Custard Day (UK), as decreed by the BBC in commemoration of the Eleventh Doctor's debut episode, "The Eleventh Hour,"  in which he consumes this curious combination. Think Bella will like it?

Fish fingers & custard day Dalek bento lunch
No,  no, I'm just kidding, that's not really what she's having ... (Although if these Doctor Who fish fingers were actually available, I might buy some and insist we give it a try!)  No, those are faux fish fingers! They're actually pieces of granola bar, spread with peanut butter and rolled in graham cracker crumbs :) And that's vanilla pudding, not custard (though that would have worked too) to dip them in. Yum! Were you fooled?

Faux fish fingers & custard
She also has a cheddar cheese flatbread sandwich Dalek atop a salad of romaine lettuce, cucumbers, radishes & grape tomatoes. I tucked in a couple of her Easter chocolates... for the Dalek to eggs-terminate :)

Cheese Dalek

Want to see the fish fingers & custard bit if you haven't? Or again if you have :)

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My fellow Whovians and I have made heaps of Doctor Who posts between us, so we decided to have a linky party! If you've made any timey-wimey eats we'd love for you to join the party - bananas optional :) So...

Galifreyan gastronomers, please share your Dalektable dishes below:

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

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The giveaway (below) may be over but the link-up remains open!
So add your link above...  Allons- y!

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Surprise! Guess what else? I've got an extra Dalek cookie cutter like the one I used in Bella's lunch! So I'm going to give it away :)

Dalek cookie cutter Giveaway

To enter, all you have to do to is leave me a comment below - tell me your favourite Doctor Who-ism, favourite episode, favourite joke, favourite lunch, whatever! Just don't leave it anonymously!  You can also get a bonus entry if you Like me on Facebook & leave another comment to say by what name.  And anyone who joins the linky party automatically gets an extra bonus entry for every post they link up  :)  I'll draw the winner Saturday night, after the next episode of Doctor Who, "The Rings of Akhaten", airs. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNER, LAURIE!


  1. The 9th Doctor would have thought this lunch looked "Fantastic!"

  2. Bonus Entry - I like you (a lot!) on Facebook - Amy Evans

  3. This big girl had sweet dreams after the Adipose episode! Bonus- I love you in Facebook!

  4. This big girl had sweet dreams after the Adipose episode! Bonus- I love you in Facebook!

  5. Anonymous4/03/2013

    The Angels scare the crap out of me but nothing was creepier than the cerub babies in the Angels take Manhattan.

  6. Anonymous4/03/2013

    I like you on Facebook. Rebecca Dula

  7. My daughter (6 yrs)loves Dr. Who, the 11th Doctor especially. We have the Dr. Who inspired books, like Where's Waldo, but When's The Doctor! Bow ties are cool!

  8. To pick just one episode is so hard. But I love The Lodger and the Vincent and the Doctor episodes.

  9. What a marvelous idea for the fish fingers!!! That's still one of John's favorite episodes because of that whole scene. He loved watching "Doctor Eleven" get all silly with the food. Of course, "Blink" is also at the top of his list before the Weeping Angels got super terrifying. For me? Gosh. Too many over a lifetime to narrow it down! If you MADE me, though ... "Vincent and the Doctor." I have this necklace, you see ... <3 <3

  10. And of course I like you on Facebook ... as my page AND myself in all my Karen R Quick glory!

  11. Its more like a big ball of wobbly wobbly timey women stuff. I love your fish fingers and custard

  12. I like you on facebook as Sarah denton

  13. Fantastic! Brilliant! Allons-y! Geronimo! Wibbly wobbley timey wimey!

    We love them all! :) And I would love that cutter! Thanks for the chance to win.

  14. Bowties are cool. Fezzes are cool. This giveaway is cool! :)

    I like you on facebook and my name there is Amanda Chambers. Thanks for the chance to win!

  15. Laurie Rhodes4/03/2013

    3rd Doctor: "Thank you Brigadier. Do you think that for once in your life you could arrive BEFORE the nick of time!!!"

    1. Laurie Rhodes4/03/2013

      Bonus entry for already liking you on facebook. :D

  16. I love the Dr ... both classic version and the newer one. Cannot wait to see more adventures with Clara.

  17. Bonus entry ... I like you on Facebook. User name there is Heather Chana Nyack.

  18. It's not Earth....doesn't taste right! :D

  19. I like you on Facebook using my name :P

  20. Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!

  21. I like you on FB as Molly's Lunch Box (twice I think!)

  22. "I've always wanted to say this...Allons-y, Alonso!" or "Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey"

  23. I want that cutter!!!!! Dalek is one of our (Miss C and I) favorite episodes.

  24. "The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make the unimportant."

    -The Doctor

    Also love your lunches!

  25. I liked you on facebook as Layni Bowen!

  26. “Sigh.. Humans on buses, always blaming me.” :D

  27. I liked you on Facebook (thought I did already!) as Ella Scannell

  28. OK - fish sticks and custard is probably the grossest combo on the planet for lunch. LOL! I thought it was an April Fools post but then actually read it and am bowled over with your creativity. They still look like fish sticks to me, even after reading what they really are. YUM!! :) Oh, and this isn't an entry, it's just a gushing fan comment. If I "win" please give the cutter to a Whovian!

  29. 'I don't want to go' . . . I still tear up at that :-(

    Great lunch!

  30. Love the 'fish' fingers! I have a little Eleven fan who would flip for them! She has eaten actual fish dipped in vanilla pudding and declared it delicious, but I think she would like the faux fish better. I think I can even figure a way to make them allergy safe!

    I could not possibly choose one favorite! I have too many. The Doctor's Wife is one of my very favorites. "Did you wish REALLY hard?" So much excellent writing in that episode. And also The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. Suuuuper creepy, but I still love them. And Vincent and the Doctor ~ I tear up at the end every single time.

  31. And of course I like you. <3 As both my page and regular FB.

  32. I love that they brought Sarah Jane back!

  33. Bonus entry for liking you on FB as Venia Moye Conte. :)

  34. (and I follow on Facebook) :-)

  35. Don't blink! Don't even blink!

    (Have you seen the meme with the quote and then the picture of the two kids covered in marker?)

  36. Anonymous4/04/2013

    We are a family of 5 Whovians, especially my oldest daughter who loves anything David Tennant. Her favorite Whoism is "What in the name of sanity have you got on your head?" and our favorite episode is Blink.

    SeekingHim at gmail dot com

  37. Anonymous4/04/2013

    Can't believe I haven't like you on FB before - now I am as Sarah Bailey

  38. So many great quotes but the one that just MEANS Doctor Who to me is, "You're standing on my scarf."

  39. Just discovered your blog and now I like you on Facebook as Aimee MacDonald.

  40. I like all the episodes that make me ugly-cry.

  41. And I like you on teh Facebooks

  42. We are just rewatching Doctor Who with my daughter, and she LOVES it! I love hearing her going around the house quoting the Doctor and other characters and she loves the Daleks. My favourite has to be the Doctor's Timey Wimey Detector. It goes ding when there's stuff and can boil an egg at 30 paces whether you want it to or not!

    I agree with Kendra Peterson, although all the episodes lately make me ugly cry since I know what is going to happen!

  43. Also bonus entry, I like you on Facebook as Kathryn Dressler

  44. I can't pick one favorite episode are you out of your mind ;) as little Blue monkey would say. So blue is obsessed with Daleks, Green is obsessed the TARDIS, and I'm in love with Tennant. I love all the Doctors though and grew up with 4.

  45. THIS IS SO AWESOME. My kid isn't old enough for school lunches or Doctor Who yet...but maybe I'll have to make myself one like this. :)


  47. Aww my kiddos love Doctor Who (Classic more the the new series but my husband and I love them all lol) I can't wait to try some of these ideas. Too cool :)


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