Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Every Day is Earth Day :)

My fellow bento bloggers and I have made Earth Day lunches and linked up!

We know, Earth Day is not until Sunday April 22nd, but any day can be Earth Day! And blog hops are fun!

Plus, maybe you can get some ideas for your own family's Earth Day lunches :)
Bella's EasyLunchbox is pretty earthy ;) I'm loving it, especially since it was so last-minute. And it's recycled too, the main course is leftovers from Monday's supper - well, except the Chinese noodles weren't blue then :)

On the side she has a cup of blue gelatin topped with green apple fruit leather pieces (not very accurately) representing the continents. It's also a recycled element - the cup is from an applesauce snack, washed out and saved for many months, despite Sailor Boy's protests, because "you never know when it might come in handy" :)  She also has some red & yellow tomatoes, always a favourite side.  Maybe yellow foliage could represent global warming, heh ;)

Beanstalk has a gelatin Planet Earth as well. His lunch is packed in his PlanetBox - which makes it pretty earth-friendly to begin with :)

He also has apple slices, an Earth peanut butter sandwich, and (I love this) an Earth granola bar. I used honey to "glue" alphabet biscuits to a blueberry granola bar :) I hope he likes it. Ever since he tried (and loved) the dried cherries from NatureBox, I've been including more dried fruit in his lunches; today he has dried cherries and craisins. Aside from apples, he's never been a big whole fruit eater, but isn't dried fruit nearly as good?

Pickle has a peanut butter Lunch Punch Landwich:

I found the perfect Lunchbox Love note to go with Bella's Earth Day lunch!  ♥ 

Bella also has a green spork. We love our reusable Light My Fire sporks, they are better for the planet and much sturdier than flimsy disposable cutlery. Bella calls them "sporkifes" because the fork end has a serrated side for cutting :)

Click on the Earth to see what the always creative and eco friendly Lise of Veggie-Bento has packed in her PlanetBox!

And Happy Earth Day,
Today and every day!

Stuff I used for these lunches:

note: The Australia Landwich Lunch Punch is not available for sale, it was part of a limited edition Australian promotion for Bega cheese & I was lucky to have a friend send me one ♥ 


  1. We loved your Bunny Hop for Spring! Can't wait to see everyone's Earth Day Ideas. We'd love for you and your follwers to join the Picnic for the Planet too. Here's more info.

  2. Oh wow! These are all so awesome, I love everyone of them. :)

  3. Amazing!!! I love your noodles and broccoli. :)

  4. okay, the jello is freaking unbelievable and so is your fruit leather carving skills *jealous* & *in love*!! LOL

    i am in awe of ALL of these!

    PS: where'd you get those sporks?? they're fab!

    1. Thank you, thank you very much :) I forgot to post links for the "stuff"! Will do that now. I got ours at from, Amazon also has them. They have a kid version too with no serrated edge :)

    2. I think the serrated edge is great! Thanks!

  5. these are SO amazing! Great job on all of them! I especially love the little love note saying " you mean the world to me"! Priceless!

  6. WOW!! These are incredible!! I LOVE the gelatin!

    1. Thanks! I think all the food colouring kept it from setting completely though, they may have to drink it! :)

  7. Beautiful lunches! I love your earth(s) and that jello is just amazing!

  8. Princess Anne on a Pogo Stick! These are incredible!!!

  9. Anonymous4/18/2012

    I love how you made the continents!

  10. I am beyond IMPRESSED! How fun!


  12. Amazing, blown away by these lunches! Every one of them are so nice, especially love the jello! The continents looks perfect to me :)

  13. Wow! You have mad skills! Each lunch is beautiful. I can't pick a favorite.

  14. Love all of your cutie lunches!! I really need to get some fruit leather...

  15. Hehehe AmazeBalls is right! You are insanely talented with an eye for design. Wanna have coffee sometime? ;) Love the lunches!

    1. Yes! First one to get rich pays for airfare, the other buys the coffee - deal? :)

  16. everything looks so awesome!!!!

  17. Ummmmm...this is pretty much the most awesome thing I have ever seen!!!!!! Wow on top of WOW!

  18. Very cool--we have the same idea, but we did it in song:

    Earth Day is every day, or according to Hawai'i 4th graders--"Every Day is Earth Day." They've written a song/music video which just won a national contest put on by Project Earth, and are sharing it at a Hawai'i earth day event tomorrow. Please check out and share to celebrate Earth Day!


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